How To EXECUTE A Clean Install Of MacOS Mojave

Downloading and installing a new OS gives you the opportunity to do some major house cleaning if you so desire. If you feel like you would like a fresh start with macOS Mojave, you can always opt to do a clean install: Just follow the steps below, even if you have already installed macOS Mojave.

Make sure you understand the difference between a clean install and a typical install before you begin. Note: If you’re reading this article on the Mac you want to execute the clean install with, change to another print or device this page before continuing and that means you can read along as you go. This technique will erase whichever OS you’re currently using from your hard drive entirely. Which means any data files, programs, or documents you have will be removed. To save lots of your files, put them on an external hard drive or a cloud-based program like Dropbox, OneDrive, or iCloud.

If you do not save these important data files off your computer, you will lose them. Before you erase your present operating-system, download macOS Mojave from the Mac App Store. You may need a copy of macOS Mojave to execute a clean install later on. Unless you create a bootable drive for macOS Mojave, you might have to install a mature Mac operating system first and then up grade to macOS Mojave afterward.

2. Go through the Apple icon. 3. Select Restart from the drop-down menu. 4. Hold down Command-R when you hear the startup chime (or the display turns dark on newer Macs) and keep holding the keys until your computer reboots. 5. Select Disk Utility in the OS X Utilities selector. 7. Select your Startup Disk.

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8. Go through the Erase tab near the top of the window. 9. Enter a name for the document to be damaged (Like macOS Mojave or something). Mac OS Extended (Journaled) from the format list. If your Mac is using APFS, go for APFS from the format list. 11. If Scheme is available, select GUID Partition Map. Step 4: Reinstall a fresh copy of macOS Mojave. 1. Click on Reinstall a new copy of macOS. 3. Click Continue when the installer windows shows up again. 4. Agree to the software conditions and terms. 5. Select your hard drive. 7. Complete the installation process. Any questions about performing a clean install? Tell us below in the comments.

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