Common substances in makeup products often conceal in plain view on the merchandise label because of an international movement to establish uniform names, based in Latin and research. So, wheat germ, prized because of its vitamin E, becomes Triticum vulgare, and oatmeal, essential face masks through the ages, is Avena sativa.
Cosmetic producer Julep is wanting to make brands more user-friendly by translating the Latin titles into English, says Michele Lottermoser, the Seattle-based company’s vice-chief executive of product development. The greater recognizable term appears in parenthesis next to the requisite medical name. “Makeup that used to have five or six ingredients started getting more complicated in the 1980s,” DiNardo says.
These eight relatively commonplace substances need no translation. Cleopatra and her court of Egyptian makeup innovators made her lipstick from a crimson color extracted from female cochineal bugs that go on campuses. “She was the trendsetter of her time, grinding up minerals and pigments from the planet earth to come up with crimson lips and her signature Kohl eyes,” Lottermoser says of the queen of Egypt, who passed away in 30 BC. Today the red dye known as Carmine or cochineal continues to be used to color lipstick and “produces beautiful reds in your toenail Polish,” Lottermoser says.
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The dye is also used in rouge, cream, and other cosmetics. When pearly and frosted lipsticks became popular in the 1960s, in addition they depended on fish scales because of their glimmer. Today, lipstick – thought to be typically the most popular tool in the makeup kit – largely gets its sheen from mica, a mineral within granite and other rocks. When used topically, caffeine theoretically stimulates the skin quite similar way ingesting a cup of Java jolts the nervous system. Caffeine is widely used in cosmetics to help ingredients penetrate the skin, in lipsticks as a stimulant and flavoring, in eye creams to lessen puffiness and in skin treatments to reduce the appearance of cellulite.
How can something well known as “pond scum” lead to cleaner, healthier skin and hair? Yet algae and its derivatives are marketed in soaps increasingly, shampoos, creams, powders, and anti-aging products. Alginates – gelatinous chemicals extracted from certain seaweeds – serve as emulsifiers so that as barriers against irritating chemicals in hand creams. They also are employed as thickening agencies in shampoos, permanent wave pieces, and creams.
Anti-aging and anti-wrinkling results also have been attributed to “beauty serums” featuring algae, however the American Medical Assn. has rejected that the organism has any restorative benefits. A mixture of proteins within whole wheat and other grains, gluten is advertised as an added-value ingredient in shampoos and conditioners for its proteins and the gluten grain’s intended ability to strengthen hair.
Derived from the Latin phrase for “glue,” gluten is valued as a binder and used in hair spray as well as lipstick, mascara and moisturizers. A trend toward a gluten-free makeup and hair products is being driven by consumers with sensitivities to gluten, even though analysts say that the gluten proteins are large to be assimilated by the skin too.
Foundation and face powder is primarily colored by iron oxides, a mineral commonly known as rust. But there’s a key difference between your rust formed in nature through oxidation and the variety in many cosmetics. Since naturally occurring iron oxides tend to be polluted with heavy metals, those found in makeup are synthesized under controlled laboratory conditions, relating to Milady’s dictionary.
Cosmetic-grade iron oxides – essentially faux corrosion – are mined from iron salts that are then oxidized in a lab and purified. The minerals come in earthy shades of red, orange, brown, and black that manufacturers use to include color to such products as eye shadow, blush, lipstick, powder, and bronzers.